Letter from the Editor: Halloween Open House Invitation
October 25, 2021
Hi! My name is Carter and I’m the Editor in Chief of Spinnaker. Please allow me to take a few minutes of your time to explain what we have to offer. On paper, we provide UNF with news, entertainment, and a forum for the exchange of ideas, etc., etc. but we are so much more than that.
Spinnaker Media has five departments, including Radio, TV, Business, Creative Services, and News. Additionally, Spinnaker Media is UNF’s completely student-led news source. Not only do we provide news relevant to the university and the surrounding community, but we also help our students gain the experience they’d otherwise miss out on before graduating.
Our news team publishes daily articles that tackle UNF-focused issues, state-wide news, and even national or multinational news that you can read at unfspinnaker.com. We will also be releasing our semesterly magazine in the Spring 2022 semester, this will focus on self-care so stay tuned.
Watch our TV across campus at 15-1 or on the Spinnaker Youtube channel: UNF Spinnaker TV. Our TV department creates all kinds of shows for students to enjoy, including college cooking tutorials, UNF club highlights, editing tutorials, local exploration, campus news, and more. We are also in the process of broadcasting a weekly live show from our studio, where you can hear about all the latest UNF happenings.
Tune in to our radio station, 95.5 FM WSKR or channel 16-1, with a broadcasting range of 3-10 miles. And be sure to check out our website, radio.unfspinnaker.com – here, you can listen to podcasts, music, and more. We cover an array of topics and not only encourage, but embrace creativity!”
Not interested in creating content? Check out our Creative and Business departments. These two help support the content the other departments work to publish. Creative is in charge of our logos, graphics, event planning, and more, while Business takes care of the money-making side of things.

If I’ve caught your interest at all, we will be having a Halloween Themed Open House this Thursday, Oct. 28, from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm. Drop by our office on the second floor of the East Student Union, Building 58E Room 2200, to meet the staff, take a tour, and enjoy some candy. Anyone and everyone is invited!
Any questions you may have can be emailed to me at editor@unfspinnaker.com. Remember, Spinnaker works for you.
For more information or news tips, or if you see an error in this story or have any compliments or concerns, contact editor@unfspinnaker.com.