UNF poster sale this week
September 20, 2022
The University of North Florida’s (UNF) annual poster sale is this week. From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., tables will be set up outside the Student Union with a large selection of posters for purchase. These posters feature a wide variety of topics, such as movies, video games, music albums and much, much more.
The poster sale has been a staple of back-to-school UNF for many years. This sale is an opportunity for students to obtain large,good-quality posters to help decorate their dorm rooms according to their interests. Poster costs range from $6.95 and $11.95 while tapestries cost $19.95,

While the sizes of each poster can vary, the vast majority of them clock in at 24 by 36 inches. Any and all students looking to add some personality to their dorm room or apartment can take advantage of this limited opportunity.
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