Weeks before elections, current SG President Caleb Grantham announced his resignation at the Senate meeting Feb. 13.
Grantham said during his announcement that he is leaving SG because of difficulties of balancing SG and academics.
“Ultimately it just became extremely challenging to try and balance both the responsibilities of my academics as a student and my responsibilities to the students of the university as the student body president,” Grantham said. “And I’m not really going to be a benefit to either one if I don’t have time to commit myself to both.”
In the meeting Grantham recognized many of the people he has worked with and who helped him grow in Student Government in the past three years.

“We have an amazing team that is still there. Bella, Rachel, Will, Cole, the entire [executive] staff, they are all an amazing team. We have a lot more on track to get done and so I have no doubt they will complete a lot of the stuff Bella and I had started out at my term.”
Grantham officially stepped down Feb. 13 and is in the process of finishing any last minute business.
Vice President Bella Genta will now be the President-Elect. The Vice President-Elect will be announced shortly.
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CS • Feb 14, 2017 at 11:43 pm