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UNF men’s basketball coach’s wallet stolen

Graphic by Zach Evans
Illustrated by Zach Evans
Illustrated by Zach Evans

UNF men’s basketball coach Matt Driscoll reported his wallet stolen on Feb. 3. Assistant coaches described a suspect.*

Driscoll’s wallet contained multiple IDs, important financial cards, and a $184 Wynn Field Lakes payroll check made out to Carrie Driscoll, according to a UNFPD report.

The theft was described as occurring between 7:45 p.m. and 7:53 p.m.

Two assistant coaches described the suspect as a black male with a light complexion between the age of 18 and 24. They said he had black eyes, was 6’ to 6’2”, and had no facial hair. They said he was wearing glasses, a black hat, a white t-shirt with a graphic logo, and red tennis shoes.

Stephen Joseph Perkins**, a UNF men’s assistant basketball coach, said he spoke to the suspect, “Red Shoes,” when he was in the rear restroom near the southeast entrance.

Perkins said Red Shoes walked out of the restroom before him.

When Perkins came out of the restroom, he saw Red Shoes walking down the hallway toward Coach Driscoll’s office, and did not see Red Shoes enter Driscoll’s office at the time.

He saw Red Shoes leave through double doors at the end of the hallway, though it is unclear when.

Byron Wayne Taylor**, an assistant coach, said he found Red Shoes holding a MacBook Pro.

Taylor asked Red Shoes what he was doing.

Red Shoes said, “Is this laptop yours? I found it on the floor.”

Red Shoes then gave Taylor the laptop and left the room.

Taylor said he did not follow Red Shoes out of the room so didn’t know which way the suspect went.

An individual who worked at the front help desk said she did not see anyone with the suspect’s description leave through the front lobby or front doors.

Driscoll said he went into his office and noticed that his wallet and its contents were missing. They searched the trash cans and did not find the missing items. Driscoll cancelled his cards.

Driscoll and his assistants searched for Red Shoes, but could not find him.

The officer dusted the MacBook Pro for prints and was able to lift a few. The prints were placed in the property room at UNFPD.

The case has not yet been cleared.

* 2/5/2014 – The coach’s name was corrected at 6:50 p.m.

**2/6/2014 – The assistant coaches’ first names were added at 1:44 a.m.

Email Joseph Cook at

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