ODI to present “A Fair to Remember” Thursday, here’s what to know
June 27, 2023
The University of North Florida’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion will host A Fair to Remember on Thursday, June 28 as a part of the Summer B Kickoff programs for incoming and returning students.
The event will be held in the Osprey Plaza, located outside of UNF’s Student Union, from 12 p.m. until 2 p.m., and is free for all students with a valid Osprey1 Card, which they will need to scan at the sign-in table to receive their food tickets.

There will be a variety of carnival games and activities, such as a ring toss, fishbowl frenzy, an airbrush artist, a pancake artist, arcade giveaways, food trucks, music and more.
All staff members from UNF’s Intercultural Center, the LGBTQ Center, the Women’s Center, the Student Alliance for Inclusion and Diversity and the Interfaith Center have been planning this event for months, said Gabriella Marquez from the UNF’s Women Center.
A Fair to Remember is an opportunity for students to meet UNF staff and center leaders, and a chance for students to meet other students and make new friends.
Stop by the Osprey Plaza on Thursday from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. for fun games, good food and new friendships.
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