Senate President Zak Varshovi leads the approval of two justices, one senator and the new president of the UNF Volunteer Center at the Sept. 10 Senate meeting.
Senate appoints two justices, senator and volunteer center director
The Senate confirmed Kyle Larson, a UNF criminal justice freshman, as a justice with 37 approvals and one disapproval. It also confirmed Khang Le, a Marine, as a justice with 36 approvals and two disapprovals.
The Senate appointed Ryan Traher, a UNF communication junior, to a general Senate seat with 38 approvals. With 40 approvals, it appointed Wendy Alinor, previously the assistant director of the UNF Volunteer Center, as the center’s director.
Plans announced to put more ATMs on campus
Fassi announced UNF has been negotiating with Bank of America to put one of its ATMs on campus. This would be in addition to the newly added SunTrust Bank ATM.
Student speaks out against Chick-fil-A
Adam Tarter, a UNF psychology junior, spoke out against the plans to build a Chick-Fil-A on campus during the Sept. 10 Senate meeting.
Tarter said it’s unthinkable UNF would promote an organization that funds groups such as the Family Research Council, which the Southern Poverty Law Center deemed as a hate group.
Chick-fil-A owner’s espoused beliefs do not mesh with UNF’s atmosphere of tolerance, Tarter said.
Student Body President Carlo Fassi said while he disagrees with Chick-fil-A’s association with such groups and the values they hold, he is legally obligated to be neutral in his viewpoint on the matter within his role as student body president.