Photo from video courtesy of Natalie Logan
UNF Computer Science Major Jared Wheeler is one of the four students worldwide to win the Student Chapter Scholarship Award from the Association for Computing Machinery.
Out of about 70 worldwide applicants, Jared Wheeler and three other students were selected for this prestigious award, said Robert Roggio, UNF Professor of Computing and Information Sciences.
The award comes in part from the ACM, a leading organization in computing sciences. International honor society for computing and information sciences Upsilon Pi Epsilon funds the $1000 scholarship award.
To win, Wheeler had to gather transcripts from the past three years, two letters of recommendation, and a letter containing his contributions to his ACM Student Chapter, he said, which include presidency and organization of events that host prestigious members of the computing community.
Wheeler said it’s an honor to have won the award, saying “Four in the entire world that were awarded it- three in the US and one overseas- and I was one of them.”
At UNF, Wheeler is one of the students in the School of Computing Accelerated B.S./M.S. program in Computer Science, which means he is simultaneously working for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree.
Roggio said the award looks good for everyone concerned, including Wheeler, UNF, and the computing program.
Email Natalie Logan at reporter6@unfspinnaker.com.