Photo from video courtesy of Sarah Ricevuto
Upsilon Phi Delta gains funding
Upsilon Phi Delta requested funding for a trip to the Seventh Annual Case Competition in Birmingham, AL. The request for $2,000 was amended to an approximate $1,900 and passed unanimously with eight approvals.
Travel Request Approved
Delta Sigma Phi requested $1,000 to cover the cost of registration fees to attend the L.E.A.D conference. Funds were approved unanimously with eight votes.
UNF Wrestling request approved
UNF Wrestling requested $364.56 to cover the cost of lodging while they attend the wrestling conference tournament at Georgia Southern University. The request was unanimously passed with eight approvals.
Funding granted for travel request
The Finance & Investment Society was granted $2440.97 in funding to send eight students to a finance leadership conference in NYC. Eight votes gave it unanimous approval.
Student’s request granted
Sergio Saavedra is a part of the Osprey Financial Group. His request for $295.83 to attend a OFG workshop in NYC was approved unanimously with eight votes.
Email Sarah Ricevuto at reporter25@unfspinnaker.com