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The Red party clinched the Senate last Fall and now their head, Carlo Fassi, is running unopposed for his second year as Student Body President.
With more elections to come, students may want to know how the Red part is doing on promises made to students in past campaigns.
Astroturfing the fields is one initiative Student Government has not yet followed through on. Red Party Leader and Student Body President Carlo Fassi said this was not accomplished because of the $700,000 price tag, making it not feasible at the time.
Fassi said the promise of enhancing the intramural experience was held up with the new equipment, jerseys, and the new student job of scorekeeper.
Billy Namen, Treasurer and Fassi’s running mate for Spring, said one of the biggest initiatives was improving campus dining, an ongoing project.
Fassi said this included bringing better vendors to campus. Papa John’s is now in the Student Union and Chick-fil-a will open in the Summer A term, Fassi said. He also said they made the cafeteria stay open an hour longer on weekends.
The Red Party also set out to prevent tuition increases, mostly through the Aim Higher campaign.
“[Aim Higher] was the name we needed to put next to opposing tuition increases,” Fassi said. “Continuing to lobby state legislation against tuition hikes will be agenda number one.”

Namen said the Red Party also brought a Bank of America ATM to campus, the free printing initiative which lets students print 25 free pages per semester. Professor reviews and grade distribution have also been made available through MyWings.
Fassi said the Red Party was also responsible for the ropes course and the student section in the Jaguar stadium.
Fassi and Namen both said they believe the Red Party has held up on 100 percent of its campaign promises.
Sports Management Senior Stephen Catalano said “I think they’re good at keeping their word. Any initiative they want to do is for the betterment of the students.”
“Maybe I’m not looking hard,” Sociology Junior Emily Milliken said, “but I see more good in the Red Party than in the Yellow Party.”
Namen said that as well as ongoing campus dining improvements, they are looking into student interest in a bike-sharing program.
Email Natalie Logan at reporter6@unfspinnaker.com