Photo from ocearch.org
Lydia has been tagged and her actions are now being monitored.
Lydia is a great white shark — she’s 2,000 lbs, 14”6.
Shark research group, OCEARCH, tagged the great white shark off the coast of Jacksonville Sunday, according to a statement on the organization’s Facebook page.
Lydia was outfitted with a GPS tracking device and is being tracked as she wanders the ocean.
This is not the first case of sharks off Jacksonville Shores. Mary Lee and Genie, two great whites, were traced by OCEARCH to Jacksonville in early January.
Great white sharks migrate south for the winter, like birds. The tagging done by OCEARCH show that sharks are remaining in southern waters longer than previously thought.
Lydia’s most recent tracking puts her off the coast of Atlantic Beach. Not close enough to cause harm but close enough to say she is still visiting Jacksonville.
Email Sarah Ricevuto at reporter25@unfspinnaker.com