Photo from video by Natalie Logan
As of June 1st, students will no longer be able to access their documents on current campus drives — known as the H Drive, WebDrive, or the Andromeda drive. The new system, SkyDrive, is up and running.
SkyDrive comes with every Microsoft account and is faster, better, free, and gives more, Assistant Director of Systems Engineering John Sharp said. He said this was part of the deal set up two years ago when UNF gave students their Microsoft emails.
Sharp said SkyDrive gives each user 7 gigabytes of memory space for free, which is at least ten times the current offering.
Sharp said UNF had to pay $80,000-$90,000 for the space on WebDrive. The agreements that had secured UNF’s use of that drive were expiring, so UNF would have had to pay again if they hadn’t upgraded to SkyDrive.
Sharp said SkyDrive is similar to other file-sharing drives such as Google Drive and Dropbox, gives off-campus access, and allows for in-program document creating, editing. Students will also be able to share documents with others students and SkyDrive users.
SkyDrive can be used from any device and has is accessible through the top bar of every Microsoft email homepage.
Apps for PCs, Macs, iPhones, iPads, and Androids can be downloaded from the “Get SkyDrive apps” tab on the left side of the main screen.
“We can offer students a lot more storage than we could have paid for and it’s forever,” Sharp said.
According to the ITS website, the WebDrive became read-only on January 20th.
Email Natalie Logan at reporter6@unfspinnaker.com