Photo Credit: Ali Blumenthal
UNF plans to build a new olympic-sized pool just north of the Student Wellness Complex.
According to a press release from UNF, the university will continue to use the current Aquatic Center until after the 2013-14 women’s swimming and diving season, which ends March 1, 2014.
The press release said it would cost an estimated $3 million to repair the current pool complex, so the university decided to build a new pool instead.
The Aquatic Center will be converted into recreational basketball courts.
The UNF swim teams will practice at Episcopal High School while the new pool is being constructed.
UNF President John Delaney said the university recognizes construction of the new pool will be an inconvenience to student-athletes, but said its the best long-term solution.
Email Gordon Rhyne at news@unfspinnaker.com.