Photo by Camille Shaw
The Housing Department plans to upgrade from UNF’s current Intellikey system to one that offers more applications to users, like email notification.
Robert Boyle, Director of Housing, said they started looking into a system with better security after a student told UPD he was able to access multiple housing units in Osprey Landing in 2011.
Boyle said card keys are one of the options being discussed, but nothing is final.
There will be a pre-bid meeting Jan. 30 that is mandatory for any key system firm wanting to submit a proposal.
The Intellikey system has been around since he started working in the department eight years ago, Boyle said.
“As an institution, we’re looking for ways to use that type of resource and with a few upgrades, they’ll be able to use their key for other things.”
Boyle said a vendor has not been chosen and the department is in the beginning stages of the decision process. He said until then there can be no real cost estimate.
He said a team of representatives from Housing, UNF Purchasing, and Information Technology will choose a vendor by the end of spring.
Housing is working with TLC Engineering to put together a purchasing document with the vendor requirements so it satisfies UNF’s key system needs, Boyle said.
He said the document will be released next week.
Domingo Alcala, Graphic Design sophomore, said he had technical difficulties when he lived in the Crossings as a freshman.
“It’s pretty inconvenient. It can get in the way of our education, like I may not be able to access my materials if I’m locked out.”
Monique Jacobs, freshman Communications major, said her key died in Fall 2013 when she tried to unlock her door.
“I love the Intellikey key, like I think it’s really safe, but when it comes to technical issues it’s annoying.”
Jacobs said she is all for a new key system, as long as it isn’t too expensive.
Email Danae Leake at reporter29@unfspinnaker.com
* 1/29/14 – Updated.