When you’re living in the dorms, sex can be inconvenient — roommates, RAs, bothersome friends, small beds, and thin walls contribute to the problem.
The most common issue comes from roommates. Now, if you live in any of the dorms besides the Fountains or the Villages, you most likely share a whole dorm with your roommates — no walls, no privacy.
Provided that your roommate isn’t a complete jerk, they’ll usually be cooperative and work out times that you can have someone over. In this case, communication is key, and a clear time-frame needs to be established.
However, I know from personal experience that not all roommates are as accommodating. In these instances, it’s important to get a little creative. If finding time for privacy is an issue and your partner doesn’t have a private room, it’s time to think outside of the box. The bathroom is always a viable option to get some alone time (the Hall excluded), plus — who doesn’t like shower sex? If you feel brave enough to try and find a secluded place to park your car, that can work too, provided you don’t get busted.
As far as kicking your roommates out, try to be understanding. It’s their room too. If they’re being stubborn you can do two things: threaten to ruin any chances they have with people they bring over or let them know that if they don’t leave, they better be okay with watching. Usually they’re not.
Another big issue is being walked in on, which has happened to me several times. Usually, it’s something to laugh about, especially if you and your roommate are on good terms. Sometimes, however, the roommate gets upset about it. If this is the case, be sure to remind him or her that it’s college, and stuff like this happens all the time. However, it’s not always your roommate walking in.
Dorms themselves can be a hindrance to sex. I mentioned bathroom sex earlier, but I failed to mention how uncomfortably small most dorm bathrooms are. Even when you have full access to the room, one twin bed doesn’t always make the most comfortable spot. It’s times like these that it’s important to remember that there is always plenty of room on the floor.
Neighbors and RAs can pose a problem as well. Officially, members of the opposite sex are not allowed to stay overnight in housing areas, a rule that is often ignored. Furthermore, the walls in the dorms are definitely not the most insulated walls in the world. Noise travels far, especially in the Crossings where if you are too loud, everyone can hear you. All it takes is one annoyed neighbor in the middle of the night to start some problems.
Overall, sex in the dorms can be problematic, but in the end it’s totally worth it. Some of the funniest stories, wildest experiences, and strangest sights can all be found in the dorms and most of those involve sex.