Marijuana – March 13 (The Village)
UNFPD dispatched an officer to the second floor of Bldg. A in the Villages after an RA was concerned that a student was smoking marijuana in his room.
Upon arrival, the officer and the RA knocked on the door of the suspects suite. When the suspect answered the door, the RA asked him if he had been smoking marijuana, to which he replied “Yes.” She went on to ask if he had any left, to which he answered “yes, a little.”
The suspect allowed a search of his room, which turned up less than a gram of marijuana. The officer confiscated the marijuana, and placed it in the JSO Property Room, according to UPD.
Marijuana – March 23 (Lot 47)
A UNFPD officer conducted a traffic stop after seeing a car with one of its headlights out, resulting in the suspect being arrested for possession of marijuana.
According to the report, UNF Dispatch notified the officer during his investigation that UPD had previously arrested the suspect, Nicholas G.Burch, for possession of marijuana. Burch is not a student or employee at UNF.
After issuing the suspect a warning, the officer asked if he could search the vehicle. Burch granted the officer permission, and the search resulted in 3 marijuana roaches and a scale with residue.
The suspect was issued a Notice to Appear for possession under 20 grams.

Burglary – March 23 (Lot 11)
A student reported that her Florida Sun Pass had been stolen and that her car had been damaged after she left it overnight.
According to UPD, the student left her car in Lot 11 on the 22 around 11:30 pm. At 11:15 am, the victim discovered that the interior of her car had been vandalized with silly string and that her Sun Pass had been stolen.
The officer observed no signs of forced entry, and the victim stated she believed she left her car unlocked.
The officer noted a large stain on the front-left side of the passenger seat, which was estimated to be $100 of damage.
The victim stated that she has a conflict with another student, but the victim did not say if she suspected her of the crime.
No further evidence was discovered.
Email Alex Wilson at reporter15@unfspinnaker.com