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SG committee allocates $2,481 in first fall meeting

The Budget and Allocations Committee of Student Government approved two travel requests and one transfer Sept. 8.

Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) requested $2,000 to send 25 students to the RUF fall conference at the end of this month.

The conference is a weekend retreat for all RUF ministries in Florida. Jeremiah Kumpf, who spoke on behalf of RUF, said the retreat was a weekend of relaxation where attendees could grow in their religious beliefs.

He said the poor economy is one of the reasons they needed the money for the trip. The club didn’t have any fundraisers for the trip. Kumpf said each student attending would have to pay $10 out of pocket.

The request passed 4-0.

The second request was from Ashley Graves, who requested $481 to attend the Accounting and Financial Women’s Alliance (AFWA) Annual Conference in New Orleans.

The UNF AFWA is the first student chapter in the nation, Graves said. She said the annual conference hosts keynote speakers who are experts in their field.

Graves said the conference is not typically for students, but will provide a connection to leadership, school honors and connections to other schools. She requested money for flight costs and registration fees.

The request passed 4-0.

Becky Purser, director of Recreation, requested a fund transfer for a non-student OPS fitness coordinator for the Student Wellness Center.

Purser said the position is needed for equipment maintenance, supervision on nights and weekends, and assistance with expanding programs. She said there is $1,100,000 of valuable equipment in the Student Wellness Center.

Purser cited Florida Atlantic University (FAU) as an example of outsourcing maintenance on the equipment. She said FAU spends $25,000 a year by outsourcing. She said the estimated cost of outsourcing maintenance for the UNF Student Wellness Center would be $37,000 a year.

The committee transferred the money that would’ve been used for the Aquatic Center, which is closed. The request passed 4-0.

The encumbrances from the 2013-14 fiscal year amounted to $18,329.93. Encumbrances are funds allocated the previous year for purchases that have not yet been paid for.

The bill to fund last year’s encumbrances passed 4-0.

Email Saphara Harrell at

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