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A public bubble bath and lost weed

Graphic by Zach Evans

The following information is according to a report from the UNF Police Department.

marijuanaDid anyone lose some weed?

A baggie containing 1.8 grams of marijuana was found on the floor of Building 58 W on Sept. 8. There is no investigation at this time.

Perfect night for a bubble bath

On Sept. 8, two officers spotted several students at the UNF Fountain (UNF Drive and Alumni Drive) throwing bubbles at each other and “dancing” around the fountain. One of the officers used his car to shine a spotlight on the suspects and they took off running towards Osprey Landing.

When the officers spotted five of the suspects, four of them ran off again, but two of them turned around. The officer had the suspect contact the two who had kept running and tell them to come back.

According to the suspects’ statements, one of them poured a bottle of bubble mix into the fountain and they were playing in it. The suspect who bought a bottle of “Mr. Bubbles” had done so two days earlier, but all the suspects had decided that night was the “perfect night” to do it.

The clean-up of the fountain was estimated at $250. The officer requested that all the suspects be sent to Student Conduct.

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