The University of North Florida rated above average in multiple categories on this year’s College Scorecard system released by the U.S. Department of Education.
The department’s overhaul on the College Scorecard system is designed to provide clear, reliable national data on college cost, graduation, debt and post-college earnings.
UNF ranked below average in average annual cost of tuition. It is estimated that with federal, state or institutional grant aid, UNF’s annual cost is around $5,000 below the national average. In regards to students paying down their debt, UNF ranks above average.
UNF also rated above average for students who return to the school after their first year, graduation rate and salary after attending the university. On average, 69 percent of UNF graduates earn more than those with only a high school diploma. The U.S Department of Education uses Internal Revenue Service data for students with federal loans or grants to provide post-college outcomes.
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