Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office arrested the man who they say exposed himself to two female students earlier in January, according to an Osprey Update sent out on Jan. 24.
The suspect was identified by JSO as 27-year-old Joseph Robert Jenkins, also known as “Scorpio Joe.” According to UNFPD, Jenkins is charged with two counts of indecent exposure in public, after two female students were approached for directions and allegedly saw Jenkins masturbating earlier in January.
According to JSO records, Jenkins has two additional charges of exposing sexual organs and one charge of stalking without threats from earlier this week. Jenkins is currently still in jail and his bond is set at over $20,000.
Police reports state that Jenkins drove up to two female student, on separate occasions, in a red Mustang asking for directions while masturbating.
UNFPD asks that everyone be cautious when approached by unknown individuals on campus. For safety tips and videos click here.
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