UNF prepared to spend $100,000 on a search firm to elect new president
May 18, 2017

The UNF Presidential Search committee is looking to hire a search firm to recommend candidates to be the next university president.
A subcommittee met Tuesday to narrow their search firm finalists down to five. The firms they are looking at have a variety of prices, all averaging around $100,000.
The committee is looking at experienced like this in search firms, specifically looking for firms that have found presidents for universities in Florida. Of the potential firms, there’s Storbeck Pimentel which FSU hired to find their new president in 2014, and Parker Executive which FAU hired the previous year.
Next week, the subcommittee will begin the interview process and has several questions in mind to ask the search firms including, “What about UNF will be most attractive to candidates?”, “What about UNF will cause candidates the most concern?”, and, “How do you match a university’s needs and aspirations with types of candidates.”
They will ask the firms other basic interview questions like what distinguishes the firm and how they would recruit a diverse roster of candidates.
This comes after current UNF President John Delaney announced his retirement effective May 30, 2018. The search committee is expected to announced a new president by March 2018.
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