UNF student accused of pointing gun at roommate released on bond

The mugshot of Cage William Edwards. Photo courtesy of JSO.
October 24, 2017

Cage William Edwards, the student accused of pointing a gun at his roommate, has been released on bond.
Edwards accused a UNF student named Yobi as the person who brought a gun to his dorm on Friday, according to the police report.
The report states that Edwards refused to be in possession of a gun or anything illegal after being taken into custody on Friday. He later admitted that Yobi brought the gun when he had a few friends over in his dorm. Edwards told officials that he did hold the gun, but never threatened anyone with it. According to Edwards, Yobi is a UNF student who does not live on campus.
Edwards is being charged with aggravated assault, possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia, but was released on bond.
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