Food review: Night of the living frappuccino

Valeree Del Guidice

Photo by Valeree Del Guidice.

Available through October 31, the Zombie Frappuccino is Starbucks’ latest holiday concoction, and it’s available on campus. It is a green caramel apple drink with a dark mocha drizzle and pink whip cream and is made to look like a zombie.

I got in line at the on-campus Starbucks at 11:06 a.m. It was 11:14 a.m. when I made it to the cash register. Four minutes later, I walked out with a grande Zombie Frappuccino.

At first glance, the Zombie Frappuccino did not look like something I would enjoy. Aesthetically, it does live up to its name. The green base looks like old-Hollywood zombie skin, the dark mocha drizzle looks like dripping blood, and the pink whip cream looks like exposed brain matter.

After trying it, I can say that there were parts of the Frappuccino I enjoyed and others I didn’t. I enjoyed the green caramel apple drink and the dark mocha drizzle. The green caramel apple drink tasted like a candy apple or apple-flavored Jolly Ranchers. The dark mocha drizzle tasted like raspberry chocolate syrup.

I did not enjoy the pink whip cream. At first taste, there was a chocolate-like flavor. The longer the whip cream sat on my tongue, the heavier it got. By the time I could swallow the whip cream, I felt like throwing up.

Overall, the Zombie Frappuccino was a good drink. I would recommend getting it without the whip cream, though.

A tall Zombie Frappuccino has 190 calories and 35g of sugar. A grande Zombie Frappuccino has 290 calories and 54g of sugar. A venti Zombie Frappuccino has 390 calories and 70g of sugar.


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