Tickets for Eva Schloss at UNF, Holocaust survivor, available
January 22, 2018

Tickets to see Eva Schloss, Holocaust survivor and step-sister of Anne Frank, are now available. Standard tickets are free and can be reserved here. The talk will be available for both students and non-students.
The event will take place on March 7 at 7 p.m. The event will take place at the Adam W. Herbert University Center. UNF President John Delaney will facilitate the conversation and will interview Schloss.
Schloss is coming to UNF under a sponsorship from the Chabad at Southside, a Jewish organization that focuses on educating and connecting Jewish young adults with their heritage. Rabbi Shmuli Novack co-founded the center with his wife Chana Novack.
Students will have the opportunity to buy Schloss’s books and meet Schloss herself after the event.
Those who wish to be sponsors or purchase VIP tickets will have the opportunity to meet Schloss one-on-one in a VIP reception at 5:30 p.m. Sponsors and VIP will also receive preferred seating and an autographed copy of her book. People can become sponsors staring at $180 per person.
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