Funeral information for UNF student, Hayden Raulerson released

Hannah Lee

Funeral information has been released for UNF student Hayden Raulerson, who passed away on Saturday, June 9 in a car crash.

Hayden Raulerson


The funeral will be on Friday, June 15 at the Impact Church of Jacksonville. The service will be from 2:45 p.m. to 4 p.m. Following that is the burial at Arlington Park. A repass will occur at Lampkins Patterson from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.

The 20-year-old student was born in Jacksonville and went to Sandalwood High School. According to his parents, he was a part of the school’s dual-enrollment program and got his associate degree before attending UNF. He often participated in church activities as a volunteer during Habitat for Humanity clean-ups, in addition to participating in community car washes and neighborhood beautification projects.

At UNF, Raulerson was working towards obtaining his degree in Business Management and was a brother of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity.

The family sent Spinnaker the program for the funeral which included a poem addressed to Hayden.v


“Hayden” – Poem written by Bonnie Harris
Your eternal life in Heaven with the Father has begun.
You’ve received salvation’s mercy by believing in God’s Son.
Oh, what joy you must be feeling, such tranquility and peace;
In a place that’s filled with splendor, where all tears forever cease.
Streets of gold are now beneath you, skies of blue above your head.
Laughter, rainbows, rays of sunshine, are surrounding you instead.
Your sweet temple, though so young, has been raised to life anew.
You now dwell within a mansion, made especially for you.
Days and nights filled with such wonders that our minds can’t comprehend.
So much glory round about you, of which there will be no end.
What a day of celebration as the angels sweetly sing;
“Hayden, welcome, come and join us at the throne of Christ the King.”
We will miss you our dear Hayden; beloved brother, son and friend.
One day soon, we’ll be together; and we’ll embrace you once again.
We Love You Hayden,
Your Family and Friends


Alpha Tau Omega is hosting a GoFundMe to help with costs for the Raulerson family. There will be a vigil for Raulerson on Monday, June 18 at 8 p.m.

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