UNF students recognized at TERMINUS Film Festival
June 22, 2018

What started out as 72 films eventually became only two. In the end, that’s how many student-made short films from the University of North Florida had what it took to be recognized as award-winning products at the TERMINUS Conference and Festival in Atlanta last weekend.
Following their success at UNF’s Campus Movie Fest in March, four films advanced from the campus-wide competition and went head-to-head with other student-made short films from around the nation. The competition took place on Friday, June 15 through Sunday, June 17 and saw UNF filmmakers Connor Dolby and Weston Funcheon gain recognition alongside students from nearly 50 other universities.
Dolby continued his winning streak this year, having been the 2017 winner for Best Drama. This time around his short film Imitations earned him the coveted Golden Tripod Award for Best Picture. The sci-fi/drama film was also nominated for CMF Best Directing and CMF Best Production Design.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdVv-6HcRhs[/embedyt]
Meanwhile, Funcheon’s short comedy, Working Man, was the runner-up for the 2018 Elfenworks Social Justice Award. Films are considered for this award on the basis of inspiring hope and provoking change, according to the Campus Movie Fest website.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJZu0NRIfCU[/embedyt]
A full list of the 2018 TERMINUS award winners can be found here.
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