Police Beat: Battery report and a questionable drink
July 10, 2018

Battery Report
Officials spoke with a UNF faculty member on July 2 in response to a report of sexual battery.
According to the police report, the battery took place at an unknown location. The victim of the battery reportedly told the faculty member that it took place one of two weeks ago.
The police report states the complainant was unable to provide a shorter time frame or specific location regarding the incident.
The victim reportedly did not want police to be notified or involved, so the complainant withheld the victim’s name. The complainant reportedly notified UNFPD per Federal Statute.
According to the police report, the complainant has notified the Dean of Students office, who would reach out to the victim and offer services and support.
Not in the Clear
UNFPD was dispatched at approximately 1:43 a.m. on Sunday, July 8 to check on a student who was potentially under the influence.
The student told officials she had left for Myth Nightclub via bus at approximately 9:45 p.m. on Saturday, July 7. The group arrived at the club around 10:30 p.m., at which point the student to dance with several people.
According to the police report, one male “put a clear beverage in her face” that she believed to be water, so the student reportedly drank some of it. The student stated that she does not remember anything that followed until she was on her way back to her dorm around 11:30 p.m.
The police report states that witnesses, the students’ friends, saw her dancing with a tall black male, approximately 6’1”, 190 pounds with a medium to light complexion. Witnesses guess him to be between the ages of 16 and 23. The witnesses advised officials they did not see her drink anything, but they did see her dance.
The student was reportedly never alone during the night at Myth, and witnesses told officials the student began to hallucinate and vomit upon returning to the dorms.
Rescue 50 was reportedly dispatched but the student did not need to be transported anywhere.
The information report has been closed.
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