UNF Navigators honors Greg Yutuc through a Celebration of Life vigil
August 13, 2018
Greg Yutuc was only 22 when he passed away in a car crash on July 14. In the car crash, Yutuc was able to save his mother’s life by grabbing the steering wheel last minute.

“My wife was the driver,” Gerry Yutuc, his father, said. “Greg saved his mom from direct impact by grabbing the steering wheel and steered it to the left, transferring all the hard impact on his side.”
The UNF Navigators, a club in which Yutuc was active during his time at UNF, will be hosting a “Celebration of Life” to honor Yutuc.
The goal of the event is to celebrate the life of Yutuc by telling stories, holding a worship session and giving everyone a message of hope.
The event will take place on Tuesday, Aug. 14 at 4 p.m. in the John A. Delaney Student Union in Rm. 3806.
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