UNF Astronomy Club to host astronomy night
August 24, 2018
The University of North Florida Astronomy Club will host a fun-filled and family-friendly astronomy night on Friday, Aug. 24 at 8 p.m.
The event will be held on the UNF campus in room 1102, Bldg. 50. An overview will be given by Federico Bolano Duque, who will explain the stellar parallax phenomenon.
After the overview, the UNF Astronomy Club, faculty, family and guests will be invited to join together for rooftop observations, weather permitting.

If the night is clear, observers may be able to view the dark craters of the moon, the reddish glow of Mars, and the rings of the heavenly body of Saturn.
All are invited to participate in this exciting night. This event is free, but visitors must sign in at the lobby of Bldg. 50. There is limited rooftop capacity, so plan to arrive early.
For your safety, the UNF Astronomy Club recommends that you dress comfortably. Please check the UNF Astronomy Club Facebook page for updates on cancellations.
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