Student reactions to the new alcohol policy
September 2, 2018

It has been just over a week since the University announced new changes to the alcohol and drug policy. This was an issue that was forth-going in a response to previous alcohol-related incidents. Some of the new guidelines to the policy now prohibit alcohol from being consumed, sold or possessed at tailgating and structured events. The Panhellenic Council has also recently announced that they will make changes to adhere to the new policy.
Students themselves, however, seem to have mixed reviews of the new changes.
“I think it’s a good idea,” Business Management Major Michael Keller said. “I think that this will help keep everyone in check.”
Keller believes that this will put the University in a better direction going forward.
“I would have to advocate for the ban,” he added. “I think it would be more of a benefit than an issue.”
Others appear to still be making up their minds.
“I think it’s good and bad, ” Evan Standard, a Sports Management student said. “I think this is the way to go right now. However, if the students are still accessing this alcohol, they should just throw it off.”
As of right now only the Boathouse and authorized vendors can sell alcohol after verifying students. Time will only tell if the new changes help the student body and the University.
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Katie • Sep 6, 2018 at 8:36 am
Why write an article if you’re only going to quote two students who approve the ban? I’m a 22 year old senior and I’m extremely disappointed that I can’t enjoy my last year of tailgating. If students are of age, they should be able to drink alcohol. Personally I never saw anything bad happen at tailgates anyway; yea some people got rowdy but it’s game day, we’re excited! Two years ago or so when they temporarily banned tailgates, no one went to the games. If this alcohol policy prevents us from celebrating the FL/GA game off campus at “official” IFC tailgates then that will really be the final blow. Good luck making UNF desirable if you’re gonna control students’ lives.
Felicia • Sep 3, 2018 at 10:36 am
Very interesting how the only three students interviewed are pro-ban.
Anon • Sep 4, 2018 at 1:06 pm
Lets keep in mind that the students running spinnaker are illogical and extremely biased. After almost two years of working with spinnaker, I know first-hand how they are truly unrepresentative of the students opinions. Fake news anyone??? All jokes aside, Spinnaker only reaches out to those with the opinions they want to broadcast to the world (aka their strong bias). I was once asked to be interviewed on an event I witnessed and blatantly lie/ fabricate the story to make the story more “appealing to the readers”. Don’t trust this source. For those of you who don’t know, this is part of the new UNF President’s grand plan to shut down any opportunity for growth that UNF may have once had. School spirit? Gone. Extracurricular Opportunities? Gone. Greek Life? Almost gone. Argue all you want about how tailgating with alcohol is a giant risk factor (I agree) but lets also not forget how desperate UNF athletics are for support from students. No tailgating = low attendance at sporting events. The majority of tailgaters are in Greek life which resulted in them representing 80% (on average) of attendance at basketball and even some baseball games. Think about how a student passed away at FSU and greek life continued as normal a semester later, but here nothing really happened yet we are all punished. Now UNF thinks they are high and mighty for creating this ban, all because they want to become more “academic.” But guess what people…UNF barely does well academically anyways! Yes, we have a good business program, etc., but if you look at the US News & World Report rankings we’re not close to the top when compared to other colleges in Florida. The new president may assume running student life into the ground and getting rid of Greek life will help us out, but it the end it won’t. We NEED a well-rounded student life to grow the university and attract new students.. A well-rounded student life means students actually attend sporting events and have decent options for extracurricular organizations to get involved in (including Greek life & multicultural organizations). As each new class comes in, numbers will steadily decline over time. Once UNF has its small amount of uninvolved and antisocial students, which are the ones who couldn’t get in to others schools, they will lack student diversity (one of UNF’s values). For those of you who are concerningly uninvolved yet claim “you like how UNF is now with the new ban and want to keep it that way,” get ready for it to change some more. As long as the board (aka the money) controls the president’s actions, then UNF will decline. Students, its time to speak your mind so that the president can have some backlash for this poor decision. .