Heather Duncan hired as the new vice president of Governmental Affairs
September 8, 2018
UNF welcomes Heather Duncan, former board member of the UNF Coggin College of Business, as the new Vice President of Governmental Affairs. As vice president, Duncan will lead the State University System lobbyist team and manage UNF’s governmental affairs program.

Duncan has served as the regional director of External and Legislative Affairs for AT&T since 1994, according to her LinkedIn page, and has 25 years of experience in telecommunications. As director, she managed legislative affairs on the municipal, country and state levels; and is responsible for community affairs for Northeast Florida.
The Jacksonville Business Journal named Duncan as Top Executive for Large Companies in 2007, and Woman of Distinction in 2008. She was a member of Leadership Jacksonville in 2007 and in 2015 was chairman of Gator Bowl Sports, according to the Jacksonville Business Journal. As chairman, she presided over the Jacksonville Sports Council, the TaxSlayer Bowl and the Gator Bowl Charities.
As the new Vice President Duncan will work as a liaison for governmental affairs with elected officials, especially those are the state level, according to UNF’s press release. Duncan starts her position this November.
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