Jimmy Patronis elected Florida’s Chief Financial Officer
November 7, 2018
As the polls started to close out and Floridian voters tuned in to learn who would be leading the state’s financial future, it was finally announced on the evening of Nov. 6 that Jimmy Patronis had been elected as Florida’s Chief Financial officer.
“Florida’s CFO oversees the state’s accounting and auditing functions and unclaimed property, monitors the investment of state funds and manages the deferred compensation program and risk management program for the state,” according to Florida’s official CFO website.
The Republican incumbent attended Florida State University and was appointed in 2017 by Rick Scott after former-CFO Jeff Atwater left the post early in his second term.
Patronis served in the House of Representatives from 2006 to 2014 and was appointed to serve on both Florida’s Public Service Commission and Constitution Revision Commission.
The CFO earns an annual salary of about $128,972 and serves as Florida’s State Fire Marshal.
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