UNF associate professor wins seat on Jacksonville Beach City Council
November 6, 2018
Another osprey swooped in to win on the night of Tuesday, Nov. 6 when Georgette Dumont, a UNF associate professor of political science and public administration, was elected to the fifth seat of the Jacksonville Beach City Council.

Georgette Dumont.
“Recently I have seen many changes to our community, from an influx of people visiting the beach to increased density in our neighborhoods,” Dumont described on her website. “Some of these changes are good, others can have a long-term impact on our community. I want to ensure that our local officials stay focused on us, the residents, when making decisions that impact our neighborhoods.”
While campaigning, Dumont stood firmly for enforced public safety, a relaxed beach life and “smart growth” of the local area. She also called for government transparency, arguing that the residents of District 2 should continue to be better informed through “traditional mediums” that are utilized in a better way, such as the local Tidings Newsletter.
Dumont’s experience includes but is not limited to serving on the Fall River Chamber of Commerce, several years’ worth of volunteer work on a variety of Jacksonville councils and commissions, and teaching at the University of Northern Illinois, the University of Illinois at Chicago and the University of North Florida.
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