Hidden gems of UNF: Turtle Island
October 7, 2019
One of the most interesting aspects of Candy Cane Lake is its geography.
There are a few floating islands in the lake, one of them being located right next to the bridge spanning the lake. This island is very popular with wildlife, as Howard the Duck, Mindy the Alligator and many others often spend time on the island.
However, the most common and iconic visitors to the island are undoubtedly the turtles. Turtles are found in every pond and lake on campus. There are several species, but the smaller ones, featured in the images, are the most common.
Many turtles inhabit Candy Cane Lake, and can often be found lounging on the tiny island. This has led to the island’s infamous nickname: “Turtle Island.”
You never know what you may find in Candy Cane Lake.

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