Teal Pumpkin Project® raises awareness for food allergies this Halloween

Jessica Volz, Intern Reporter

The Teal Pumpkin Project® strives to create food allergy awareness and aims to make Halloween safer for everyone. If you didn’t have the opportunity to get crafty with teal paint during Market Day, there’s still time to make an impact. 

“Researchers estimate that 32 million Americans have food allergies, including 5.6 million children under age 18. That’s one in 13 children, or roughly two in every classroom,” said the Food Allergy Research & Education organization. 

The Teal Pumpkin Project provides links online to download free posters, flyers and more. Get involved by deciding which graphic fits your style for generating awareness about food allergy safety.  If you can’t get your hands on a blue hue hand-painted pumpkin, you can also print an 8×11 poster and tape it to your door for trick-or-treaters. 

When members of the community see the pumpkin outside, they’ll know you’re offering an alternative treat to the traditional edible ones.

 If you’re participating in the TPP, make sure you educate everyone knocking on your door.. Explain why you’re offering mini gadgets or toys instead of candy options. Let them know it’s another way to include everyone, even people who are food sensitive. 

Challenge the trick-or-treaters and their loved ones to count all the teal pumpkins they see around the neighborhood. Creating a game has the potential to keep the conversation going through the whole evening, which means more people have the chance to be educated on food allergy awareness. 

If you want more information about the TPP or food allergies, click here.


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