“I am a Woman…I am Fearless…I am an Osprey!”: the Fearless Woman kickoff
November 19, 2019
“I am a Woman…I am Fearless…I am an Osprey!”

The Fearless Woman is an initiative by President Szymanski, as well as other fearless students, to help pave the road for future fearless women leaders by bringing women together to build trusting relationships and have each others’ backs in this male dominated world. The event kicked off Monday, Nov. 18.

There was a HUGE turn out for the kick off event. There were women of all different ages and races and it was amazing to see them all come together to better equip themselves for the future.

The guest speaker, Donna Orender, talked about her journey as a woman becoming extremely successful in a difficult and male dominated field in her “Fear less: The Why Not Mindset” talk.
The talk was extremely motivational and inspirational as she shared times from her life when others doubted her but she kept on going and in the end came out a stronger and more successful woman than she had been before. Orender explained the “Why Not Mindset” by giving examples in her life where she was faced with difficult decisions and she asked herself, “Why not?” rather than doubting her abilities or talents.

The Fearless Woman will be having events three times every semester. There will be one big event such as the kickoff event and two smaller more lowkey events every semester. For more information or to join the initiative, contact Whitney Meyer at whitney.meyer@unf.edu or at (904) 620-5333.
For more information or news tips, or if you see an error in this story or have any compliments or concerns, contact editor@unfspinnaker.com.