What’s up with all the construction?
December 4, 2019
Getting from the Fountains to the main campus is about to get much easier as a new road leading to the Fountains to Lot 18 is being built.
Currently, getting to and from campus can be a little tedious, especially if you drive, as students need to leave the Fountains and exit onto Kernan Blvd and then enter on Alumni Dr to get to the campus. The construction on the road connecting the Fountains and Lot 18 is called the “Osprey Ridge Extension.”

Paul Stewart, Director of Campus Planning, stated that the “Osprey Ridge Road Extension” isn’t the only new construction. Another road, the “Eco Road Extension,” is also underway.
The Eco Road Extension will lead out to Central Parkway and create a new entrance/exit to the University, as well as consideration for a new multi-use path for both pedestrians and cyclists and a new recreational field.
Extra housing, specifically an honors residence hall, is also currently being considered if an ongoing study confirms the need for it.
Overall, students seem to be happy with the new roads.
“It’s a good idea and it adds more parking,” Hayley Green, a Junior, shared.
Another student expressed surprise that it was only just now happening.
“I’m surprised that it hasn’t happened sooner,” Sandon Parrish, a Freshmen, told Spinnaker. Tracey Kyles, a graduate student, felt similarly.
Both of these developments are planned to be finished by Spring 2020.
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