UNF Student Health Services adds additional screening tool for coronavirus
February 17, 2020
While University of Florida professors have asked students to leave class for health testing related to the novel coronavirus, University of North Florida has added an additional screening tool for the viral infection currently causing fear and distress world-wide. The new screening tool asks students upon check-in if they are experiencing “fever, cough, have recently traveled to China or have been in contact with someone who has recently traveled.”
According to a University statement, no UNF students have reported being asked to leave class by professors for coronavirus testing.

“Many students have complained of cold and flu-like symptoms on campus, but none have tested positive for corona virus,” Student Health Services stated.
According to the CDC, there are 15 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the United States, and 13 Americans who were exposed to the virus on a cruise ship await their re-test results currently. Although it takes three days for the test to come back, some have tested positive with coronavirus in an initial batch of testing and will know of their re-test results in a matter of hours. There are no confirmed positive cases in Florida.
Worldwide, 71,000 people are confirmed to be infected with a death toll of 1,770, according to the World Health Organization’s situation report for February 17, 2020.
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