The Tree of The White Ibis

Nathan Turoff, Critter Columnist

Candy Cane lake is home to many creatures and their environments. One of the lake’s most truly bizarre sights, is the Tree of the White Ibis.

Nathan Turoff

The American White Ibis is a very unusual animal. The Ibis is white with an orange beak and feet. The birds colors are similar to Howard, so from a far distance you might get them confused. Up close, however, they really look quite different. The ibis looks more like a crane with longer legs, neck and beak.

The Ibis is unique, in that large numbers of them will often spend the night in the same tree, which is the case on Candy Cane Lake. This behavior often bewilders UNF students as they walk by at night.

Nathan Turoff

What many don’t realize, is that this is fairly common among the Ibis, as they are known for forming large colonies and nesting for several years in the same spot.


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