UNF mourns loss of esteemed adjunct professor
May 18, 2020
Ron Nelson, one of UNF’s beloved earth science professors, passed away during the afternoon of May 11. According to his department, Nelson had a history of medical setbacks over the years but remained a dependable, highly knowledgeable instructor wherever he taught. We are not clear on the specific cause of death at this time.

An adjunct and visiting professor with UNF from the early 2000’s until his passing, Nelson was incredibly well versed in earth sciences. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Meteorology from the University of Utah, and received a double Master’s degree from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey CA in Meteorology and Oceanography.
Well respected in his field, the UNF Physics Department said they were “shocked and saddened” by the news of Ron’s passing.
“It came too suddenly and certainly was unexpected. Ron taught the Earth Science labs at UNF for many years,” the department said. “This course is taken by hundreds of first-year students from across disciplines every semester, so in many ways Ron served as an ambassador for the physical sciences when he reached out to those students through this course. Ron certainly played his part in shaping those students’ future. For this and much more, he will be missed. He was a wonderful teacher, colleague, and friend.”
His educational experience and time in the US Navy is said to have given him quite the presence at the head of the classroom.
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