Students experience online mentorship during pandemic through CASS

Source: Instagram/@cassunf

Haneifah Ahmad, Intern Reporter

The Community Alliance for Student Success is a mentor group at the University of North Florida which caters to helping minority students prosper in their educational journey and provides support for students to attain their goals. 

CASS consists of six mentor groups that each have a leader who is involved in our community.

There are events and opportunities that allow students to learn about the inner workings of the community. These are planned and carried out by the coordinators of CASS. 

Each group has their own agenda and team activities that they are involved in, whereas in bigger events, all of the CASS members and leaders get together to recognize the groups’ accomplishments and voice their plans for the future.

Spinnaker spoke to Brittany Sanders, a Public Health major at UNF and a member of CASS, to ask about her experience in her mentorship remotely. Each Thursday, Sanders’ CASS group meets via Zoom to discuss their agenda for upcoming activities. 

“Recently my group discussed ways in which we could uplift students in the University, while also talking about subjects that matter,” Sanders said. 

Brittany’s group has discussed challenges involving attending school in the midst of a pandemic, coping mechanisms everyone is putting to use at this time, and how we plan to continue to pursue our goals despite how chaotic things may be.

“We are in the process of creating a platform where we could hear each other’s perspectives on current events and situations in order to gain clarity and a sense of understanding and encouragement. We are experiencing monumental changes. We are witnessing movements that are transforming aspects of our society and it’s good to have a safe space to share and reflect on those situations. ” 

Despite what is going on around us, CASS continues to work together and keep students inspired and working hard.

 “I’m really thankful that I can continue my mentorship virtually because talking to the members of my group encourages me. I also feel like I am heard when I discuss things that matter to me,” Sanders said.