D.I.Y. floral curtain lights
August 28, 2020
By now, you may be feeling a bit homesick and want something that feels just like home. Try buying something cheap and making something of your own from JoAnn or Five Below.

You can learn a D.I.Y. (Do it yourself) Floral Curtain Lights for your room, and create a space to be centered and tranquil after a stressful day. At JoAnn Fabrics everything was at 50-70% off and at Five Below, everything is worth five dollars or less.
From Five Below, you’ll need to four items:
- Two Curtain Lights ($5 each)
- Floral Garland ($5)
- A pack of AA batteries ($1.50)
From JoAnn Fabrics, you’ll need five items:
- Five rolls of Tulle ($4.99 Each)
Before starting, make sure to untangle all the curtain lights and spread them out to keep them in place. When you have done that, add in the AA batteries and see if all the lights work. If they don’t work, take them back and get new ones.
Once you have your lights ready, decide on a wall you’d like to hang them on. To hang them, buy some dorm-wall safe command strips and start adjusting the lights onto the hooks. When the lights are on the hooks, make sure you turn on the lights and see if you like how they look, or just wing it and move on to the next step.
Next, open up your tulle, roll it out, and cut it at arm’s length. When it’s at arm’s length, fold it in half and loop it onto the wired lights. Keep doing that same process until you finish all five rolls of tulle. Make sure the tulle isn’t clumped together because, if it gets clumpy, it’ll make it harder to brush out the ends and spread them out properly on top of the curtain lights. After you’ve brushed out the ends, add the floral garland to each side of the wall and you should be done!
Enjoy your stress free living space!
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