Canvas courses unavailable due to IT error

Hayley Simonson, Managing Editor

An unknown error has removed some Spring 2021 courses from students’ view in Canvas.

An update from the IT Help Desk regarding Canvas issues read, “Unfortunately, a currently unknown error has removed some students from their Spring 2021 Canvas courses after midnight last night. The Help Desk is aware of this issue and is actively working to resolve it. You will receive an email the moment your courses have returned to your account.”

ITS is currently working on a resolution, as the outage is currently active. 

IT suggested that users with missing courses in Canvas should log out and then log back in.

There may be a delay of up to four hours after logging in before courses that were dropped during the outage will reappear. No data loss is expected once users have been re-added to their courses.

For more information, or to contact the IT UNF help desk, click here.


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