How to find sources for your papers at the UNF library

Hayley Simonson, Managing Editor

There is no need to worry about scrambling for sources to use in your research paper because the UNF library has you covered. Knowing exactly where to go, and what to search for, can help save a lot of time and stress when writing your papers.

Determine what you’re looking for, whether it’s newspapers, journals, peer-reviewed articles, or statistics, case studies, and literary criticism. You also need to figure out how current your sources need to be and the best place for you to get the information you’re looking for. 

The Thomas G. Carpenter library subscribes to over 390 research databases that cover all subject areas. By clicking  here, you will find 394 databases in alphabetical order that you can search through to find the exact information you need. 

Examples of some databases include ‘Access World News’ which has current and archived state, national and international articles on issues, events, people ,and government with over 4,000 full-text newspapers and other news sources. Another example of a featured database is the ‘Advanced Technologies and Aerospace Database’ which includes a comprehensive monthly update on the latest theoretical research and practical applications around the world. If you are off campus, you will be prompted to login and authenticate yourself when you access these individual databases.

You can also visit the homepage of the Thomas G. Carpenter libraries website to utilize One Search. One Search is a search engine that optimizes what you are looking for through keywords, whether it be articles, books, or academic journals.

Students should also be aware of Ulrichs Global Serials Directory where you can search the titles of many publications. It is another easy tool to search for sources of detailed information on more than 300,000 periodicals of all types. Ulrichs will also provide information on whether the source is refereed, who publishes the journal or magazine, and how often it’s published.

Refworks is another tool that is utilized with many library databases. It can help you keep track of your sources, create bibliographies, and easily create in-text citations.

Next time you have a paper due and need sources to collect, you’ll be prepared to get that A. 


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