Beaches show support for survivors for Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Jennifer Ronzon, Intern

The neighboring cities of Jacksonville Beach, Atlantic Beach, and Neptune Beach have teamed up to offer support to survivors of sexual assault. 

This past weekend, a large banner reading, “We believe you! Three beaches. One mission. End sexual assault” appeared in the Beaches Town Center, a largely populated dining and shopping area. The banner also included a local rape crisis hotline, which is run by the Women’s Center of Jacksonville. 

Photo by Jennifer Ronzon

The Women’s Center of Jacksonville (WCJ)  is currently the only certified rape crisis center in Duval, Baker, and Nassau counties. The non-profit organization’s rape recovery team serves to help survivors as they recover. All genders are welcome to receive help from the WCJ and no proof of residency is required. In addition to the 24-hour rape crisis hotline, the WCJ completes forensic exams, has victim advocacy programs, support groups, and more. For a complete list of resources offered by the WCJ visit their website.


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