Updated: UNF releases urgent alert of arson on campus
November 20, 2021
After the campus was shaken awake by an urgent warning of arson on campus earlier this month, Spinnaker has obtained the full police report of the incident.
That night, two people noticed “small flames or sparks” coming from the top of the outfield fence around the UNF Baseball Facility. Police say that a wooden ladder was next to the fence which appeared to have been used by the suspect to start the fire. The ladder is property of UNF.

Jacksonville Fire Rescue 50 responded to the fire and extinguished it with foaming. They also told police that the incident appeared to be arson.
The report mentions how police will be reviewing surveillance cameras in the area to collect more information, but there is no suspect in custody at this time.
This is an update to a breaking news article. The original article continues below.
The University of North Florida’s Police Department (UPD) has released a campus-wide notification for arson on campus. Labeled urgent, “the fire appeared to have been set by an unknown accelerant,” advised the responding Jacksonville Fire Department.
The fire took place on Nov. 20 at 12:50 a.m. According to the alert, UPD found a “portion of the left field wall, netting and a ladder in the area on fire” at UNFs Harmon Baseball Stadium.

No injuries are reported at this time, nor are there any suspects. View the full alert here.
If anyone has any suspect information, please call UPD at 904-620-2800. Crimes can also be reported confidentially through the UPD’s Silent Witness Program at https://www.unf.edu/upd/Silent_Witness_Form.aspx.
Spinnaker will continue to follow this breaking story as it continues to develop.
For more information or news tips, or if you see an error in this story or have any compliments or concerns, contact editor@unfspinnaker.com.