Governor Rick Scott addressed the state in a press conference concerning the approach of Hurricane Matthew. The key message to Floridians was this: Start evacuating.
“Don’t take a chance. Leave before it’s too late,” Scott said.
Evacuation could begin today and the Florida Department Of Transportation is making sure roadways are clear for evacuation, according to Scott. While you don’t have to evacuate, Scott strongly suggests it for residents near shores and in areas prone to flooding.
At this time, UNF has not cancelled classes but the UNF Crisis Management Team is monitoring the storm and will send alerts directly to student and staff if the university will be closing.
Scott also advised the public to start preparing for heavy rains, power outages, stock up on supplies and gas, and to check on neighbors.
“If Matthew hits Florida the destruction could be catastrophic,” Scott said. “We are hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.”
You can find your evacuation route by home address here or by watching your local news.
Evacuation routes in Duval County are based on a lettering system. More info can be found at floridadisaster.org.
“Now is the time to know your evacuation plan,” Scott said. “This could save your life.”
It’s important not to focus on the current path of the storm because it could change, according to Scott.

According to the National Hurricane Center, the most current path of Hurricane Matthew is not expected to directly hit Jacksonville but, we should expect heavy rain and wind gusts of 60+ MPH.
“These storms can change on a dime. You must take care of yourself. Don’t put first responders in danger.”
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