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UNF Spinnaker

UNF introducing first Ph.D. program in the fall

The University of North Florida announced its first Doctor of Philosophy program today. The Ph.D. in computing is now accepting applications for the fall 2024 semester.

UNF already offers several doctoral degrees, including the Doctor of Nursing Practice and Doctor of Education, but this is the first traditional research-based Doctor of Philosophy program.

According to UNF, the program will prepare students for careers in research and development for private companies, government agencies and collegiate academics.

UNF already offers bachelor’s and master’s degrees in topics like computer science, data science, IT and more. (Photo courtesy of UNF)

The curriculum will prepare students to research various computing topics, including AI, data mining, computer security and algorithms.

There will be concentrations available in cybersecurity and intelligent systems.

“As UNF’s first Ph.D. program, this serves as an important step in UNF’s evolution as a top research university,” said College of Computing, Engineering and Construction Dean William Klostermeyer. “It will help us recruit new faculty and students as well as enable new partnerships with local industry, other universities and funding agencies.”

To find more information or apply for the program, visit the UNF’s School of Computing website.


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Jeanne Gilbert
Jeanne Gilbert, Editor-in-Chief
Jeanne Gilbert is Spinnaker's current editor-in-chief and a sophomore majoring in public relations at the University of North Florida. She joined Spinnaker in the summer of 2023 as a volunteer. After graduating, Jeanne plans to continue in the newsroom or work in public relations.

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