March 6 Drug Possession (Osprey Village) – An RA in the Osprey Village was conducting her nightly rounds when she smelt marijuana coming from one of the rooms in building D. The RA contacted UPD and entered the room with the officer after knocking several times and identifying herself as an RA. The resident allowed the officer to enter, and the officer found marijuana and a grinder with marijuana residue on the floor and kitchen counter of the room. The resident took full responsibility for the drugs over another suspect present in the room and was given a Notice to Appear in court. Both students were referred to the Student Conduct Office.March 6 Marijuana Found in a Dumpster (Osprey Crossings) –
UPD responded to a call from a UNF Housing Employee about a box containing fourteen one gallon bags full of what appeared to be marijuana mixed with another substance. The box was found in a dumpster outside building S of the UNF Crossings. The contents of the box weighed 10.10 pounds. Two of the bags tested positive for marijuana. JSO Narcotics Unit obtained the evidence and secured it in their property room. Since the UPD officer did not find any cameras pointed in the direction of the dumpster, the report has been closed.
Email Carter Roush at reporter9@unfspinnaker.com