As of this semester, the cost of parking tickets has increased for some violations, said Assistant Vice President of Administration and Finance Vince Smyth.
According to a recent Osprey Update, the citation fee for parking in a reserved space without the proper permit will be $60. Parking in a 20-minute parking space for 21-40 minutes will be $20, with an additional $20 fee if the car is parked longer than 40 minutes. The fee for unlawful possession of a permit or an altered permit will now be $100.
Smythe said the increases were suggested by the Parking Council to make the citation price reflect the severity of the offense.
After being reviewed by the Parking Council and the Vice President of Administration and Finance, the suggestion was approved by the University’s Board of Trustees.
The Parking Council consists of four Student Government appointed students, two faculty from the Administration and Professional Association, and two faculty from the University Support Personnel Association.
Junior Stephanie Fisher and Medical Lab Science Senior Dani Montiel both said they oppose the increases because they believe students pay enough for parking as it is.
Smythe said all the money received from parking citations funds Parking Services, which does not get money from anywhere else in the university. He said the money goes toward maintenance on lots and golf carts, utilities, software that lets students buy permits and keep track of their citations, and wages for patrollers and people selling permits.
All other citations will still cost $30, except for unauthorized parking in a handicapped spot ($250) and the fee to remove a boot ($50).
The updated ticket prices will be online by September 4 or 5, Smythe said.
E-mail Natalie Logan at reporter6@unfspinnaker.com.