The following information is according to reports from the UNF Police Department.

Dude, where’s my bike?
A female student recently reported her bicycle missing to UNFPD, even though she knew it was missing since July 3, 2014. On Jan. 9, the student told the officer she locked her bike to a bike rack outside of the UNF Arena on June 23. Ten days later, she noticed the bike had vanished. She checked with lost and found in July. Lost and found told her UNFPD had no record of anyone turning in the bike.
The bike was listed as a pink Panama Jack bicycle with white wheels and a brown wicker basket on the front handlebars. The student received a case information card and was advised to call UNFPD with the bike’s serial number so it could be added to the police report and entered into the National Crime Information Center.
Weed? No officer, that’s the smell of cigarettes
On Jan. 9 at around 7:45 p.m., a UNF student tried to convince two UNFPD officers that the odor of burning marijuana in his car lingered because he smoked cigarettes in his car. The two officers pulled the student over after running a stop sign in Lot 10. The officers then initiated the traffic stop in Lot 100. When the student rolled down his window, the officers immediately noticed the distinct smell of burning marijuana.
When the cops asked him about the odor, the student said he “smokes cigarettes in the car.” The cops once again inquired about the smell, to which he admitted there was marijuana in the car. After searching, the officers found ten grams of marijuana, a glass jar containing marijuana, a used marijuana roach and several unwrapped cigarillos. The student admitted all of these belonged to him. The case was cleared by arrest.
Weed? No officer, “We were hookahing.”
A student told UNFPD that he and his friend “were hookahing” before getting caught with marijuana. At around 11:45 p.m. on Jan. 9, officers were dispatched to the Fountains in reference to the smell of marijuana. While knocking on the door, the officers could hear the sound of a toilet being flushed inside the dorm. One of the students opened the door. The officers then asked about the smell of marijuana, because it was evident after the student opened the door.
The student said to the officers, “We were hookahing.” The cops then asked again about the smell of marijuana. The student denied using marijuana, and again told the officers they were only smoking hookah. The student then gave police permission to enter his room. The officers found a hookah pipe in plain view in the bathroom, and the odor of burning marijuana was distinct as well. The police also found the remains of burnt marijuana within the hookah pipe. The other student was also in the dorm room near the area of the pipe.
Both subjects then finally admitted to smoking marijuana with the pipe. The first student also admitted he flushed a “ten sack of weed down the toilet.” The two students both claimed possession of the marijuana stating they bought it together. The second student admitted the pipe belonged to him. The first student was issued a Notice To Appear for possession of marijuana less than 20 grams. The second student was issued a Notice To Appear for possession of marijuana less than 20 grams and possession of drug paraphernalia. The officers recommended both students be referred to Student Conduct.
More crime at The Flats: stolen SUV
A student reported her silver Hyundai Santa Fe stolen from The Flats parking lot on Jan 12. She said she parked her car the night before as she normally did, but it was not in the lot the next morning. The officer drove the victim from UNF to The Flats. They did not see the vehicle anywhere. They attempted to find the SUV by using her emergency key fob, but were unsuccessful.
Other officers searched the remaining area of the parking lot, but found nothing. Lots 5, 18 and 53 were also searched. The vehicle was nowhere to be found. The victim stated she did not allow anybody else to use the car, and she does not believe any of her roommates borrowed the vehicle. Patrol efforts have been suspended.
Not one, not two, but three stolen iPhones
Three females had their iPhones stolen at the UNF Arena on Jan. 12. At around 6 p.m., two students and one 17-year-old juvenile left their bags and purses in a room on the second floor of the arena. They left the room unlocked. They went down to the first floor for about 40 minutes. When the victims returned to their bags, they noticed their iPhones were missing.
According to someone who was there, there were 7-8 black males playing basketball in the room next door during the time the bags were unattended. By the time the officer arrived, only one black male was present. Officers attempted to electronically track one of the phones, which led them to the area of McDonald’s and Chick-Fil-A in the St. Johns Town Center. The officers could not locate the phone. At this time, there are no suspects or witnesses to the case.
Roommate threatens other roommates with box cutter
One student threatened his two roommates with a box cutter at The Flats on Jan. 12 at around 10:15 p.m. The two students who were threatened confronted the other student in his room about the apartment being messy. The student then slammed the door in their faces. They confronted him again, loudly knocking on his door. When he opened the door, he pushed one of the students, and he was holding a box cutter. However, the blade was not extended.
The student with the box cutter admitted he did have a box cutter in one hand, but he too said the blade was not extended. One of the other students declined to press criminal charges, and signed a prosecution declination. The RLCs on call said they would work with housing on changing room assignments. The case is closed due to the prosecution declination.
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*1/21/15 at 12:32 p.m. – Updated with information about dates and times .